Organisations & People alike have been recently publicising the benefits of having adopted an Agile Mindset. For those not aware of it, we'd like to explain, while for this "in it", perhaps read and confirm/challenge whether this is indeed the case.
If recent history has taught us nothing else, a business must be Agile. Many think that the sheer fact that they have survived the past few years is evidence of them being Agile. Others might consider themselves Agile, having run a few projects using scrum or worked with Agile Vendors.
An Agile Mindset is not just about "running sprints" and moving post-it notes on Kanban board (virtual or otherwise), and goes much deeper in the way in which not just IT "gets stuff done".
Adopting an Agile Mindset can be challenging for many organisations who remain wedded to lengthy forecasting and planning and are reluctant to adopt genuine openness and transparency as core values.
This page presents the Heart of Agile as the foundation of an Agile Mindset. It offers an opportunity to question whether you are taking advantage of the revolution.

A truly Agile Mindset!
Here's a quick explainer video as to what we believe constitutes a truly agile mindset
The "Heart of Agile" was created by Dr Alistair Cockburn to simplify Agile's purpose. The heart of Agile restates the message that Agile is a mindset, not a methodology.
The below four imperatives represent the four critical imperatives that at quenable we believe are the key indicators of organisations that can truly claim that possess an Agile Mindset. If you think you need some help, we'd love to chat.
Work closely, communicate often
Silo'd communication and process red-tape are inhibitors of innovation. The processes that are designed to protect organisations from losses creates from failure often impact bottom lines through lost opportunity.
We don't and can't know everything
It's liberating to say it, but has your organisation embraced it? Embedding experimentation into delivery can create learnings to guide future success.
Regular, Continual and Honest review
Organisations that have transparency and openess will be the first to be open to the value of refelction.You can;t have one without the other and this attribute relies on a top-down approach to a) being open to failure and b) being willing to stp and change diretio.
Failure is an option!
It happens....mistakes that is. Organisations that accept and embrace this are not only able to recover and move forward more reliably but create a culture that retains more staff.
These concepts are attainable and can be trained into your organisation. Why not book an free call below and let us provide you with the way forward.
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30 min

With the Imperative of Reflection top of mind perhaps ask yourself the following questions as to you and your organisation's rating as to having an Agile Mindset.
Is it difficult to access resources across lines of business' into your project? Do you find resources being "pulled" between projects based on "direct lines". Do things become combative ?
Are you comfortable with an approach where you learn as you go as opposed to needing to "know everything in advance"? Is experimentation applauded or frowned upon?
Are process' and associated time provided to revise and discuss your delivery results? When and if this time comes around, do you feel that the reflection process is open and honest?
Whether through reflecting on past experiences or trying new things are new ways of working being implemented? Regularly?
A free consultation to see how quenable can work for your organisation
30 min